Sunday 21 August 2022

Why Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja Ujjain is essential to be performed?

 Kaal Sarp dosh is also known as'Vipareeta Kaalsarp Yog'. According to astrology when the planets (Graha) fall between "Rahu" and "Ketu," in a person’s horoscope, that person is afflicted with this dosh. Kaal sarp dosh is said to be present in one's horoscope when all seven "Grahas" are positioned in such a way that their position comes between "Rahu" and "Ketu." The Grahas "Rahu" and "Ketu" are said to be the "Snake" and "Tail". Rahu and Ketu diminish the effect of other planets, keeping the individual away from their good fortune. This is when problems start emerging in a person's life.

If a person is determined and positive to achieve his goal and if the person has Kaal Sarp dosh in his kundali, then the chances of success decrease. Most individuals are aware of Kaal Sarp Dosh in their Kundali, but they don't take it seriously and ignore its presence. In order to fulfill your ambitions and goals in life, you must perform the Kaal Sarp dosh puja Ujjain.

Repercussions of kaal Sarp Dosh:

There are multipleeffectsof Kaal Sarp dosh:
● A person does not do well in the financial sector.
● A person deals with marriage problems in his life.
● A person faces too many health issues in their life.
● A person finds it challenging to do well in the education sector.

Effects of Kaal Sarp Dosh:

If Rahu and Ketu's positions are incompatible, then it creates conflicts in people's marriages and difficulties such as misunderstandings, fights, doubts, divorce, etc. When the Planetary Position is not good, the marriage suffers. It wreaks havoc on the life of married couples and disrupts their relationships to a great extent. Couples can visit an astrologer and check for their dosh. If the astrologer advises, then the couple must perform Kaal Sarp dosh puja in Ujjain to resolve conflicts.

Why should you perform Kaal Sarp dosh puja in Ujjain?

Why should we go for nivaran puja of Kaal Sarp dosh? This question often arises in our minds: why should we do this puja? It is important to perform Kaal Sarp dosh puja to:

1. Live a happy and successful life.
2. Have a happy married life.
3. Growth in professional life and chances of getting employed.
4. Removes economic restrictions.
5. Maintain peace in life.
6. Have a healthy life to avoid diseases and health issues.
7. Resolve family issues.
Types of kaal sarp dosh

There are various kinds of Kaal Sarp dosh and each person may be affected by a different type of Kaal Sarp dosh:

● The Anant Kaal Sarp dosh
● The Kulik Kaal Sarp dosh
● The Vasuki Kaal Sarp dosh
● The Shankhpal Kaal Sarp dosh
● The Padma Kaal Sarp dosh
● The Mahapadma kaal sarp dosh
● The Takshak Kaal Sarp dosh
● The Karkotak kaalsarp dosh
● The Shankhachur kaal sarp dosh
● The Ghatak Kaal Sarp dosh
● The Vishdhar Kaalsarp dosh
● The Sheshnag Kaalsarp dosh

Above are the twelve kinds of Kaal Sarp dosh that can be the reason for the ill effects on a person's professional and personal life. Therefore each dosh has its remedy.

When and where Kaal Sarp dosh puja should be performed? 

 Performing Kaal Sarp dosh Pooja on Amavasya is considered to be extremely auspicious. However, individuals can do the Kaal Sarp Dosha Pooja on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Naga Panchmi. One of the most renowned places for Kaal Sarp dosh puja is Ujjain. It is the city where thousands of people come for the nivaran of Kaal Sarp dosh. It is the most spiritual place to perform mangal bhat puja ujjain and mangal dosh puja ujjain.

Wednesday 15 June 2022

All About Kaal Sarp Dosh and Remedy to Get rid of it

 Kaal Sarp Dosh is a fault that is not considered good for anyone. As per the astrology, this fault has several malefic effects on people’s lives and thus, it is important to get a successful remedy for the same. This dosh is a result of the position of the planets like when all the planets get between Ketu and Rahu then this dosh happens in the person’s birth chart. Also, it is believed that this dosh happens due to the baddeeds of the person in his or her previous life like killing a snake or doing something malicious with any other human being.This dosh is not considered good as the person suffering from it will have to face a lot of struggles in the entire life; both personally and professionally.

What Struggles One Has to Face with Kaal Sarp Dosh?

A person having this dosh suffers a lot from different types of issues. There will always be unnecessary hurdles coming up in his way and there will be no mental peace. The person will have to face a tensed time with his family members too. There will always remain a probability of not getting much success even after a lot of trying. It also creates confusion in the mind and heart of the suffered person along with unknown fear. This is why people want a perfect remedy for this dosh which is Kalsarp Pooja in Ujjain.

Why Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja is Done in Ujjain?

The Kaal SarpYog is formed in a person’s natal chart due to the effect of any bad deed done by him in his past life. Kaal Sarp Dosh is also known as 'Kartari' Dosh and ‘Sarp Dosh’ which is rectified only by conducting Kaal Sarp Dosh pooja in Ujjain. When all the planets come and sit between Rahu and Ketu then it forms the Kaal SarpYog. As a result, the person has to face many mental, physical, and financial issues. This is why Kaal Sarp Dosh puja in Ujjain is done by a learned pandit in Ujjain. After this puja, the person gains mental peace, happiness, and progress in life. It helps in removing many issues like child obstruction, lack of progeny, everyday issues of home, and many more.

There are 12 major types of Kaal Sarp Dosh that needs Kalsarp pooja in Ujjain:

1. Anant Kalasarpa Yoga
2- Kulik Kalsarpa Yoga
3- Vasuki Kalsarpa Yoga
4- ShankhpalKalsarp Yoga
5- Padma Kalsarpa Yoga
6- MahapadmaKalsarpa Yoga
7- TakshakKalsarp Yoga
8- KarkotakKalsarp Yoga
9- ShankhnaadKalsarp Yoga
10-Pataka Kalsarpa Yoga
11- Toxic Kalsarp Yoga
12- SheshnagKalsarp Yoga

So, if a person suffers from any type of above mentioned Kaal Sarp Dosh then he or she may have the probability of early death in life. But, if the dosh is timely treated then it will nullify the effect and ensure longer life, good health, mental peace, and financial stability.

Where To Do Kaal Sarp Pooja?

Ujjain is known to be the best place for conducting Kalsarp Dosh Puja.The reason behind it is that Ujjain is the only region in the whole world where sesame seeds are found. Thus, it is believed that any type of worship performed here will get the results soon. The worship performed in this region receives the blessings of Lord Shiva and other deities. Another reason of performing Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja in Ujjain is that Baba Mahakaleshwar and Nagsthali have been provided with the highest position from the holy city of Ujjain. This place is also known as the main place of Nagsthali. This is why, a person who wants to remove this dosh from the birth chart have to perform the kalsarp pooja in Ujjain.
Mangal Bhat Puja Ujjain | Mangal Dosh Puja Ujjain | काल सर्प दोष पूजा उज्जैन

Thursday 9 June 2022

Why Do You Need The Best pandit in Ujjain for Mangal Dosh

The word “Manglik” was coined by Vashishtha and is derived from the Sanskrit words “mānga” meaning “male” and “like” meaning “female”; therefore, the term “Mangalik” means male-female.The Manglik Dosh is said to be a special effect that a person has on his or her life. It is said that if a person has this fault, they will be rich and their love life will be fulfilled. According to the scriptures, the Manglik Dosh is a result of Mars being in the 1,4,7,9,12 house in a person's birth chart. This is said to be a very auspicious situation and can result in a lot of good things for the person.

Planet of Mangal Dosh- Mars

Mars is a planet that is considered a planet of sin and holds a very important place in the field of astrology. To remove this sin people usually conduct Mangal Dosh Puja in Ujjain by the best pandits in Ujjain to get Mangal Dosh NivaranUpay. It governs the field of activity of mind, speech, and body (mind-body) by ruling the mental faculty of reasoning or intellect along with all such activities that are related to it like memory, will, action, emotions, etc., by its positive energy and power of attraction and desire for desirable things, money, and material gains, etc., by its negative energy and power of aversion towards undesirable or repulsive objects and situations, diseases, etc., and all other harmful conditions in life.

How are ManglikPeople?

Manglik people possess qualities such as being humble, fearless, influential, smart, focused, disciplined, and also angry. The vibrations that radiate from them are really powerful and brilliant. For this reason, it is believed that only one Manglik can live peacefully with the nature of another Manglik. Another ideology that is prevalent in our society is that after the age of 28, the dosha of Mars gets reduced. This means that all problems will start appearing after 28 years of age for a person, who is Manglik i.e. it has less Mars than Sun in his horoscope.

Special features of Manglik dosh

There are a few special features that a person possesses who have Manglik dosh in their Kundli. The features are as follows:

● The exceptional feature of a person having Manglik Dosh in their Kundli is that they do the tasks that are difficult ahead of their time. Their unique feature is that they possess the ability to lead since they are born, and their reflexes are faster than anyone else. They are not very friendly people and if they extend their hands towards friendship, then they put in all the effort for it.

● They have slight anger issues but on the contrary, they are emotional and soft-hearted and have empathy towards someone else quite fast, they are humans of kindness and have forgiving nature and if make relationship they tend to run it for a long time and does not wish to break their relationship which they share with anyone.

● Manglik dosh is like a man who has no fear in life. His strength is great, he has many abilities. Because of his strong heart, his enemies are very afraid of him.

Superstitious regarding Manglik people

Due to the superstition of Mangal dosh, people tend to perform Mangal Bhat Puja Ujjain to get rid of it. Such as that if a Manglikboy gets married to a Manglikgirl then the marriage becomes a trouble for their parent's life. It all depends on the position of Mars that what effect it will have on a person’s personal and professional life. This is why you need the assistance of the Best pandit in Ujjain for Mangal Doshnivaran puja.
Also contact us for kaal sarp dosh puja ujjain or काल सर्प दोष पूजा उज्जैन i.e kaal sarp dosh puja ujjain

Wednesday 24 February 2021

Know Where to Visit in India – An Overview

 When anyone from abroad visits India, he or she chooses Rajasthan for a vacation tour. It is the destination for growing intimacy with the golden era of regality, sacrifice, romance, and war. Rajasthan tourism and leisure industry stand resilient depending on the flow of visitors. They renew their knowledge by visiting ancient palaces, tombs, and towers. Make the incredible India tour and go back to discover what is still unknown to human beings. Le Passage to India makes one’s visit successful by offering an informative guide to travelers.

Top Places to Visit in India – Do Perfect Planning to Go to Fantastic Destinations in India

Many travelers search for experts who are excellent tourism management planners. They want to book the best hotels or guest houses which save money for travelers. Well, it is not easy for reducing the cost of traveling if you can’t do proper workouts. Luxurious resorts must be expensive. Besides, in the event of making several overnight stays in the crowded popular city or downtown, travelers have to arrange more money. Le Passage to India is a recognized travel destination management company that curates useful information and the latest updates for travelers. People should read details about the locations, special features, and specialties of the particular tourist spot. For example, if you like boat riding, water sport, and cruises, you must go to top destinations located in Kerala. The backwaters in this state are wonderful for recreation, and adventure. Simultaneously, wild animal lovers can’t stay at home during their vacation. They should face the tumultuous sea, the adventurous mountain, and of course wildlife. Rajasthan, Delhi, Nepal, and Bhutan have deep forests which nestle dangerous animals like tigers. Take a step-by-step travel guide from experts to find the top places to visit in India in our Best holiday packages.

Learn about India – Make Peaceful Tours to Top Places

Everyone should try to travel to India at least once in his lifetime. That means, people have to be acquainted with the enriched culture, heritage, history, and lifestyles in India. Top heroes, kings, and princes spread their supremacy over the rest of the country. They left their footprints here as proofs of their existence. In modern times, they must be alive in the hearts of people. Well, in your itinerary list, you must make the inclusion of Rajasthan. It saw the bloodshed war, struggles, and kept the records of forbidden romance. The sparkling rapiers which make your blood cool are still preserved in the national museums. It is home to unbeaten emperors and rulers who heightened the importance of Rajasthan by building the foundation of vanity. The gorgeous City Palace in Jaipur is not blurred or buried with times proceeding. It survives to beckon explorers. Besides, the inexplicable infrastructural aesthete of Umaid Bhawan Palace appreciates Oriental architecture, art, and sculpture. Le Passage to India destination Management Company gives top search results on Rajasthan tourism.

Best Destinations for You to Travel in India

There are many unidentified places in India. People do not know about these destinations which seem to like to hide themselves. Economical travelers can visit these less popular tourist destinations which have awesome natural panorama to amaze you. For example, remote rural areas of North East India give you a spectrum of scenic landscape beauty which is better to cool your disturbed mind. The extensive even land under the blue sky is the work of art. It is so magnificent that you can’t part with it as long as you will live. Mixing with illiterate aborigines residing in hilly regions, you will be glad. Their innocence must please you. In this connection, navigate on the website of Le Passage to India to read regular blogs to have information on tourism in India.

India has a lot of world-class destinations for travelers to spend holidays. Maybe, you can’t manage how to choose the top tour packages which should be available at economical rates. Le Passage to India is a registered destination management company that gives people tourism plans, ideas, tips, and information to visit the best places in India.

Wednesday 10 February 2021

Choose Top Exotic Destinations in India – User-friendly Guide for Travelers

 If you want adventure, you have to go to top travel destinations in India. During holidays and winter vacation, parents with their children like to visit this state of India. There are a lot of things to do while making stays in any of the best tourist spots located in India. A quick effective traveling guide assists newcomers to know how to reach any exotic place in India. Le Passage to India guides travelers to book hotels, buy air tickets and do proper plans to visit the specific places. It is a reputed travel company in India.

Choose Top Places to Visit

For economical travelers, out of other destinations in India, Arunachal Pradesh is a great place to visit. This beautiful state has an excellent mountain range for trekking, a green paddy field, and small rivers for wonderful water sport activities like rafting. See, instead of moving here and there unsteadily, you need the guide to choose the best tour package to visit the popular tourist spots like Tawang, Gorchen Peak, 1N Bhalukpong, and 1N Dirang. Well, a visitor should pass through Guwahati to arrive at the target town/hill station in Arunachal Pradesh. For instance, Arunachal with Tawang Premium Package includes destinations like 1N Dirang, 3N Tawang, 1N Bombdila, 1N Guwahati, and 1N Bhalukpong. Cars and tempos are available for travelers to take them from Guwahati airport/railway station to nearby hotels. 

It is an excellent itinerary program tailored for you at cheap rates. Borderline running through Assam and Arunachal Pradesh territories is marvelous due to eye-catching sight-seeing. Bhalukpong welcomes outsiders to stay for some time to keep in touch with the warmth of the natural panorama. Besides, the smooth Jia Bharali river runs silently through the border of Bhalukpong. It is remarkable, attractive and enjoyable to see the riverside. At the same time, for nature lovers, the Nameri National Park is the best recreation center. If you stay at Bhalukpong, you must visit this national park to meet wild animals and beautiful birds.

How to Reach?

Travelers have three options to reach Arunachal Pradesh – by train, air, and on-road. Though most people use air and railway transportation systems, they have the adventure for a safari tour. It will test their boldness and bravado to drive the cars through curves of the stiff cliffs. Nahariagun railway station is near Itanagar, the capital of Arunachal Pradesh. On the other hand, Arunachal Pradesh has no user-friendly airports for travelers. Guwahati’s Lokapriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport or North Lakhimpur’s Lilabari Aerodrome is the best option for you to arrive at Arunachal Pradesh by air. Besides, you can hire taxis and luxury buses to enter Arunachal Pradesh. You will have to cross few important districts like Tezpur in Assam.

Select Top Destinations to Enjoy Holidays

With the expansion of the tourism in India, people are interested in going to beautiful remote areas, and luxurious cities in this country. Le Passage to India gives you a clear snapshot of tourism planning and Best holiday packages. It is the reliable destination management company which helps travelers to become familiar with the rocky mountain in Himachal Pradesh, the sunburnt sand deserts in Jaipur, the rainforest in Assam, and adventurous Kerala. Travelers have a matchless experience when they do trekking in the deep and stiff cliff located in Bhutan. Diversities in unity seem to be vivid when you join the outdoor explorations and exhibitions.

Things to Do

There are many unexplored things to do when you spend holidays in. For instance, trekking, rafting, and cultural visits to top monasteries are adventurous. Trekkers join outdoor events like trekking through dense meadows, glaciers, and smoky trails. Talley Valley, Ziro, Mechuka Trek, and Gorchian Peak are a few important hubs for hardcore trekkers. Same way, rafting is another excellent water sport activity for a traveler. Instead of lying on the bed idly, get ready to feel the freedom in different ways. Sela Pass is second to none for adventurous exploration. Sit and keep watching the sunset at Roing. You should pay quick visits to Madhuri Lake, Sangti, and the Nuranang Falls as well.

Finally, to have unique details about tourism in India, travelers need to check the website of Le Passage to India. It will give them an updated list of best-in-class and Travelling to India best time of year. You can send inquiries to this reliable tourism and destination management company to have more information before picking up your luggage to leave for any classic destination in this rich country.

Sunday 23 July 2017

Destinations to visit during India tour

India paints the whole world with their otherworldly hues like a rainbow that hues the unbounded sky. It is a fantasy occasion goal that rewards each explorer with its perpetual vacation destinations. Out of the thousand great travel goals in India, here is a rundown of best 8 destinations for you to investigate. These goals are additionally suggested by practically every India travels manage.

Taj Mahal, Agra
Taj Mahal, is a world famous monument located in Agra, Uttar Pradesh, at the banks of Yamuna river. The Taj Mahal is one of the Seven Wonders of the World and now it is an UNESCO World Heritage Site. Made of unadulterated marbles, and 28 distinctive sort of uncommon valuable and semi valuable stones; the Taj Mahal was worked by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan for his darling spouse Mumtaj Mahal. It was built in around 16 years by 20,000 laborers. [During India tour you must check our all the Golden Triangle Tour Packages India]

There is not really anybody on the planet who doesn't think about the Taj-Mahal. Henceforth it is gone to by practically every visitor who visits India. So bear in mind to visit it.

Ajanta and Ellora Temple Caves, Aurangabad
These caves are the pride of Maharashtra; these stone cut holes are world renowned and exhibit the level of aptitude and masterfulness the Indian experts had achieved, many years back. Ajanta dates from 100 B.C. while Ellora is more youthful by somewhere in the range of 600 years. [For an adventure trip you give a look to our Golden Triangle Tour with Tiger Safari]

A large portion of these holes have the most stunning point by point carvings on the dividers, columns and doors. You will have a loving of these spots in the event that you acknowledge and are anxious to find out about Indian history and craftsmanship.[We have so many tour packages you must check our all the Golden Triangle Tour Packages]

Ghats at Varanasi (Banaras Ghats), Varanasi
The city of Varanasi has various Ghats along the River Ganga. There are upwards of 100 Ghats in the city a number of which were worked by the Maratha Rulers like the Shindes, Holkars, Bhonsales and the Peshwas. Travel of this place to accomplish salvation and clean your spirit.

Indian Museum, Calcutta
The Indian Museum has a colossal accumulation of things from old and medieval circumstances. You will discover antiquated coins, fossils and relics from Mohenjodaro and Harappa time here. Moreover there is additionally a 4000-year old mummy and a urn that is accepted to contain cinders of Buddha. Locate a few other intriguing notable things here.[If you are in Delhi, you can enjoy our Same Day Taj Mahal Tour Package from Delhi]

Kaziranga National Park, Kaziranga
Kaziranga is the country of the Great Indian One Horned Rhinoceros. It additionally gives sanctuary to an assortment of other untamed life creatures and winged animals. In the event that you need some experience you can take an elephant-back-ride inside the recreation center. Go to India to witness such a fine normal hold.

Khajuraho Temples, Gwalior
The hearth of Madhya Pradesh is Khajuraho. It is a fine case of rich social legacy. Chosen as one of the UNESCO World Heritage Site, Khajuraho has everlastingly been extraordinary compared to other traveler goals in India known for its models, sanctuaries and engineering.

Hawa Mahal/Palace of the Winds, Jaipur
Hawa Mahal is the popular Rajputana engineering and the most well known vacation destination of Jaipur. Its excellence lies in its unpredictably cut 953 little windows through which breeze courses in the whole royal residence and keeps it cool notwithstanding amid hot summers. Because of these reasons this building is otherwise called "the Palace of Winds". Occasions in India to experience such magnificent chronicled landmarks. [Some tours are very refreshing just check it Rajasthan Forts and Palaces Tour]

Red Fort, Delhi
The great structure of Red Fort remains along the eastern edge of Old Delhi, on the western bank of Yamuna River. It was worked as an illustrious habitation by the Mughal Emperor, Shah Jahan in the seventeenth century. You will be pleased to see the real highlights of the Red Fort to be specific the Diwan-i-am and the Diwan-i-khas. Additionally attempt to visit the Moti Mahal (Pearl Mosque) which was worked in 1659 by Aurangzeb for his own utilization and security. [We have so many Taj Mahal Tour Packages from Delhi]

Thursday 15 June 2017

Six Tourist Places in India, Must visit before die

India is a globally famous tourism destination. It appeals and attracts tourists and fun vacationers from all over the world with its world famous attractions like heritage monuments of Rajput Era, Maratha era and ancient era etc, religious monuments, historic cities, historical places, beaches, backwaters, hill stations, art & architecture, culture, tradition, history and many more. There are many fascinating tourist places to enjoy in India so we hope you will love to visit, explore and enjoy them in your tours and travels in fascinating country i.e India. Now let's have a look of top six famous places for tourist in India. buddhist pilgrimage tour package in india

1. Jaipur - The capital city of Rajasthan state, Jaipur is also famously known as the Pink City of India as the king raja Raam colored it in pink color when an English person came to visit. It is one of the most popular tourist places to see in India. It is known for its attractions like City Palace, Amber Fort, Jal Mahal, Hawa Mahal, Jantar Mantar, Nahargarh Fort, Albert Hall Museum, Jaigarh Fort, Birla Temple, etc. The city also boasts some of world famous heritage hotels offering excellent accommodation facilities to travelers, basically these are forts and palaces during Rajpt era, now they used by various hotels chain as heritage hotels. [Taj Mahal Tour Packages from Delhi]

2. New Delhi - It is the capital city of India. It has been the seat of many kingdoms during Rajput Era then mughal and even in last british era too. It is an ancient city having lots of monuments, temples, and art & architecture attractions with other attractions to offer its visitors. The city enjoys pride with three UNESCO World Heritage Monument Sites. They are Red Fort, Qutub Minar and the Humayun's Tomb made by the wife of Humayun after his death [Golden Triangle Tour with Golden Temple]

There are some other attractions of New Delhi city you must visit then during your tours are Rashtrapati Bhawan (President House), Sansad Bhawan (Parliament of India), Old Fort (Purani Quila), India Gate (an imposing Ware Memorial with gorgeous gardens in surroundings), Bahai House of Worship (Lotus Temple), Laxmi Narayan Temple (Birla Temple), Mughal Gardens, Gardens of Five Senses, Buddha Gardens, ISKON Temple, Lodhi Gardens, etc. It is one of the best places to visit India. It reflects truly charm of India tourism with its many attractions and vibrant blend of tradition and modernity.[Mathura Vrindavan Packages from Delhi]

3.Varanasi - It is a popular Hindu pilgrimage centre and world famous tourist destination situated in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India at the bank of holly river Ganga. It is known for its temple attractions like Vishwanath Temple, Durga Temple, Bharat Mata Temple, Tulsi Manas Temple, etc. Other attractions in this city are Ganga Ghats, Sarnath (Buddhist Sites), Ram Nagar Fort, Benaras Hindu University, etc. The city depicts fascinating culture and tradition of India. It is also one of the oldest living cities in the world. Today it is considered to be as one of the most popular tourist destinations of India visits.[5 Nights Golden Triangle Tour India]

4.Agra - Agra is an ancient town and very fascinating travel destination situated in Uttar Pradesh, India, this city was kingdoms of mughal kings from Akbar to Shahjahan. It also enjoys three UNESCO World Heritage Monument Sites. They are Taj Mahal, Agra Red Fort and Fatehpur Sikri. Taj Mahal is one of the most visited monuments in India. It is built in pure white marble and its beauty is incredible. This beautiful building was built by mughal emperor Shah Jahan in the memory of his beautiful queen Mumtaz Mahal. It is the ultimate symbol of love with gorgeous pools and gardens in surroundings. Agra Red Fort was built by Akbar and famous for its excellent architecture. [Ranthambore Wildlife Tour Package]

Fatehpur Sikri is an abandoned town situated in the outskirts of Agra city. Major attractions of Fatehpur Sikri are Buland Darwaza (the largest gateway in the world), Panch Mahal, Salim Chisti Mosque and ruins of many palaces and ancient monuments. Other attractions in Agra are Dayal Bagh, Rambagh, Itmad-Ud-Daullah Tomb, Sikandra Akbar's Tomb, Chini Ka Rauza, etc. Indeed Agra is a very fascinating tourist place to visit in India with lots of monumental attractions.

5.Khajuraho - It is a very fascinating tourist place to visit to India. It is widely acclaimed for architecturally beautiful temple complex with exquisite sculptures. The Khajuraho Group of Monuments is listed as UNSECO World Heritage Site. Tourists can see erotic sculptures carved on the exterior walls of the temple complex. [Golden Triangle tour with Khajuraho]

6.Ajanta & Ellora Caves - Ajanta and Ellora Caves are located near the city of Aurangabad in the state of Maharashtra. They are listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. They depict excellent art & architecture of rich Indian cultural heritage. They are among top most visited tourist places to visit India. You will surly love to explore caves of Ajanta and Ellora on your travel and tours in beautiful country of India.